What to Wear

Questioning What to Wear?

Family pictures can be difficult when planning outfits. Most think family pictures have to be super similar and matching 100%. For me? It's all about coordination. I usually start with what my daughter will wear, and then plan around that. For colors, I love denim, mustard yellows, deep reds, and surprisingly... black! For my editing style, deep, rich, colors are generally best. Of course, anything will look lovely!

People are often afraid to mix patterns. I say, mix it up. For family pictures (as seen in my gallery) there was a mix of stripes and plaid. If you need any suggestions or just need an idea, send me an email! I love to help people look their absolute best. Color schemes are one of my specialties!

Like always, with any questions, please email madisonkennedyphotography@gmail.com